Wednesday 1 May 2024

 Welcome to the home of the " Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido "

Please visit our new Facebook page at  " Henry Ellis Aikido ".

Both Dere!k Eastman and Henry Ellis are the last two of the original 1950s pioneering students of Traditional Aikido Training in Aikido,  as it was introduced and taught by Kenshiro Abbe Sensei from 1955 - Yes ! - there was/is  kicking and punching in Abbe's style of true Traditional Aikido .
 Many of the early Aikido dan grades worked as doormen on London night clubs. anyone practicing ``Wokiodo ` couldn't do any of that. The Hut Dojo`wasn't called the Hell Dojo for nothing. 
Both Ellis and Eastman have spent much of their final years working to preserve the legacy left in our care by the legendary Kenshiro Abbe. 
There are some devious people in the world of Aikido,  ones that have attempted to change our proud documented lineage, it is with the aid of the internet - Teaching - writing books - articles - YT videos - we have been able to spread the truth for the future generations to follow.
Henry Ellis is the only UK student to have his dan grade diploma's signed by ` Kenshiro Abbe Sensei -` Morihei Ueshiba (1st &  2nd dan  - Moriteru Ueshiba ( shihan ) - Mutsuru Nakazono - Kazuo Chiba.

Sunday 18 February 2024



 The Long and Winding Road of a Budoka ,  - Amazon £5-99p

Henry Ellis the last survivor of the original first group of five Aikido pioneering students and dan grades of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei from the 1950s. 

Ellis Sensei tells many stories starting from the origins of the legendary Hut Dojo. Memories from his 70 years of travelling and spreading the word of Aikido and Budo.

The stories bring to life many of the people from those incredible times, the stories vary from serious to the hilarious .

  Ellis Sensei has spent his final years documenting in several           Amazon books the history of British Aikido, Including The life of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei - 

Henry Ellis a student of K Williams - K Abbe - T Abe - M Nakazono - M Noro - K Chiba - N Tamura - M Harada - T Otani.


  BELOW; The first comment on the new book " The Long and Winding Road of a Budoka,"

Jason White
5.0 out of 5 stars Interesting read

    Reviewed in the United States on 10 February 2024

This is a short, easy to read book. It's interesting reading about Henry Ellis & his path through budo. I was originally just going to put it on a shelf with the rest of my collection but I decided to read the first page & couldn't put it down. I wasn't expecting it to keep my attention the way it did but I'm glad I ordered i

Monday 1 January 2024

 Click  for Video  >Rik Ellis  -  AIKIDO - MMA     

British UK1 MMA  Light Heavyweight Champion title holder   2012

Rik Ellis ~ Aikido Shodan - Demonstrating.

Uke / Training Partner 

Nick ``Head-Hunter`` Chapman . UCMMA Champion

Sunday 5 November 2023

 Click here ->  British Aikido History Site  

The Amazon books ` Kenshiro Abbe Sensei ` - `British Aikido History` - The Founding of Jujitsu - Judo - Aikido in the UK` The books are written by Henry Ellis - Derek Eastman two of the last of the surviving direct students of Kenshiro Abbe from the 1950s. - Co-author Abdul Rashid. 

If you are interested in the factual history of British Traditional Aikido as documented by a direct student of  Kenshiro Abbe Sensei and Ken Williams Sensei from 1955. Please visit the British Aikido History site, take a look at the Amazon book " British Aikido History "  a great book with many photos of past and present teachers both British and Japanese.

Read the recently resurfaced Mutsuro Nakazono letter from 1966. This letter was received by Ken Williams Sensei at a time of great upheaval in British Traditional Aikido, and the break up of the `British Aikido Council` BAC . This was just months before the arrival of TK Chiba Sensei. 

Tuesday 12 September 2023

"British Aikido History " the Book.

British Aikido History  -  From 1955

"It's discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty, and how few by deceit "  Noel Coward                            

Click Book Image for Amazon. Book price £6 - 64p.

This book acknowledges the many British Aikidoka and Japanese Budoka that Ellis and Eastman met along their  journey to promote the little known martial art of Aikido. from a time when the Hut Dojo was the only Aikido dojo in the UK - There is now an Aikido dojo in almost every town and city.

Click image to enlarge or click image in R/H column to go straight to the Amazon book page for [Look Inside] a free preview. The book " British Aikido History " this is the story of the last of the original pioneers still involved in the promotion of the true history for future generations. There are many old photos from the 1950s/60s. There are acknowledgments to those that have helped to protect and preserve our origins from the era of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei from 1955.The book is 311 pages of stories - interviews -anecdotes - history - and much more - Please visit the free preview to see what this book has to offer. Over the years I have been asked many times `what was it like to study directly under Kenshiro Abbe Sensei?`, this book will give the reader a taste of that era, a time when Aikido was a martial art and the people who trained were martial artists in the truest sense of the term. Sadly, so many of the Japanese and British early pioneers of Aikido are no longer with us, we will remember as we pay our respects to them, may they rest in peace. The book was published by Amazon on the 7th of March 2021 - Cost B/W £6-35p,  or colour version £27-00.

  New Amazon Book now Available. In cardback £12-95p.

KENSHIRO ABBE SENSEI  1915 - 1985 - The Forgotten Budoka 

Click Image

Published by Amazon 20th - May - 2021
Compiled by the Martial Arts researcher Abdul Rashid.

This new book is a thoroughly researched and detailed, documented  history, including a personal interview with Henry Ellis one of the last surviving direct students of Abbe Sensei from the 1950s.

Visit ``Books on Martial Arts ``

A new book published by Amazon Books -.  This book is  an in-depth look at the life and times of this legendry man of Budo, from his childhood to his time as a captain and Brigade Commander in the Imperial Japanese Army during WW2 - his time at the Busen - Butokukwai - His competition successes in front of the Japanese Emperor, his defeat of the great Judoka Kimura also his time in the UK and Europe. This will complete our `library` of British Martial Arts history as associated to the influence of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei 8th dan Judo - 6th dan Kendo - 6th dan Aikido - 6th dan Ju-Kendo. 

The following Amazon Book  titles may be of interest to the student

and teachers who value the true origins of British Martial Arts.  " The Founding of Ju-Jitsu - Judo - Aikido in the United Kingdom "  --- " British Aikido History " --- " Kenshiro Abbe Sensei the Forgotten Budoka " --- " Positive Aikido "  by Dave Rogers ---  " The Life - Giving Sword " the life of K Chiba by Leise Klein.

`The Founding` book comes with Black and white photos - cost - £6-75p.
`The coloured photo copy is £29-23p.

Monday 11 September 2023

 New Books Available on Amazon.

Click Image

Founding of JuJutsu-Judo-Aikido in the United Kingdom`
There are many books on Martial Arts - it is our intention to offer a selection of only the best researched books available.Abdul Rashid the martial arts researcher has worked tirelessly to research the very origins of the evolution of martial arts in Britain from the 18th century prior to the arrival of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei in 1955 and the everlasting influence left by Abbe Sensei [1915 - 1985 ].

There are sadly now just a very small group of  direct students surviving to this day. Abdul Rashid has been fortunate to have the opportunity to work with two genuine pioneers from the incredible Kenshiro Abbe Era, Henry Ellis and Derek Eastman were students of Judo in the 1950s and shortly after they became a part of the very first group of Aikido dan grades in the UK.

There are two books available a black and white copy for £6-95p or the enhanced coloured copy at £29-00.

Sunday 10 September 2023

  Important new book released by Amazon. In cardback £8-90p

Click for free Amazon page view.

The British Budo Controversy

Past history is an important part of present day life, much of todays lessons of life are learned from the lessons of past events of history.

 In the past, and the life we lead today, the facts of history can be lost in time as the people that were an indelible part of any historic events become fewer and fewer, such is the case of the British Budo Controversies .

With the demise of the central figures to our budo history, such as Kenshiro Abbe Sensei - Tadashi Abe Sensei - Mutsutaro Otani Sensei - Mutsuro Nakazono, Kazuo Chiba Sensei . We must not forget the many English Budoka that were a part of the early development of British Budo, there are too many to mention here, I must add two of my greatest friends the late Bill Woods Sensei RIP -  Gerry Gyngell Sensei RIP. they both worked in the BJC London office with Abbe Sensei, they were a great source for information of those wonderful early days. 

As these legendary figures have now passed into history, there are the unscrupulous and shameless characters that will write their own versions of their associations and ``friendships `` with the past Budo masters, their imagination would be more fitting in a sequel of `Harry Potter`. 

This book documents two of the most shameless attempts to corrupt our proud heritage and lineage, it also sadly exposes individuals and organisations that to this day offer their full support of many more fraudulent claims . All fraudulent grades and titles are never questioned.

Henry Ellis and Derek Eastman are two of the last few survivors of the Kenshiro Abbe era from the 1950s, with the support of their co-author Abdul Rashid they intend to leave a documented history  in all their books of an amazing and historic time of which they were proud to be direct students of Kenshiro Abbe and so many other legendary Budoka  from that early era.

Quote;  " If you tell the truth - You don't need to remember anything." - Mark Twain.

Henry Ellis

Wednesday 7 December 2022


Excellent researched and documented video.

` The Founding of Jujutsu Judo Aikido in the UK`.

Scroll down past the books and video information for the blog content as titled.

 NEW VIDEO - A Video for all Budoka

 The Founding of JuJitsu - Judo - Aikido in the United Kingdom 

 CLICK   The above YouTube video heading the live link will take you to the video of the history of the arrival of the martial arts to the UK from the late 18th century - The video is narrated by Abdul Rashid with many photos and much factual in-depth research. This video is based on the now popular and highly credited book of the same name. The UK visiting Japanese masters from pre - WW1 and post WW2 were - Yukio Tani - Kaneo Tani - Seizo Yamamoto - Taro Miyake - Sadakazu Oyenishi - Akhitaro Ono - Gunji Koizumi - Matsutaro Otani - Kenshiro Abbe - Mutsuro Nakazono - Kazuo Chiba.

Sunday 1 May 2022

 "Its discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty, and how few by deceit" ~ Noel Coward 

Martial Arts Books by Abdul Rashid & Henry Ellis - Derek Eastman

Click on Image to Enlarge
The books authors respectfully acknowledge the many `genuine` Budoka involved in the UK origins of Aikido and other inclusive  Martial Arts.
L to R: `British Aikido Board Controversy` - `Kenshiro Abbe Bio` - The Founding of JuJutsu - Judo - Aikido in the UK` - `Positive Aikido` - ` My Interviews with Henry Ellis ` - `British Aikido History`

The six books above are all factually honest books, documenting and protecting the legacy of UK Traditional Martial Arts from its UK origins. All the books are available on. Link> " Amazon Books ".

Friday 11 March 2022

 "It's discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty, and how few by deceit "                                                             Noel Coward

The British Aikido Board Controversy

The British Aikido Controversy is an incredible factual documented

story of intrigue and fraudulent claims to mislead the BAB  membership and the public. The BAB went to extraordinary lengths to change the known and accepted history of British Aikido. 

Henry Ellis and Derek Eastman who are both survivors of the pioneering group from the 1950s with Kenshiro Abbe Sensei and Ken Williams Sensei from the once famed " Hut Dojo".

Ellis and Eastman also went to extraordinary lengths to protect our proud history for students of today and long in to the future.

Cover photo Ms Shirley Timms BAB secretary.

Henry Ellis

Saturday 1 January 2022


Click   " Is Aikido a Martial Art ? "

This book consists of a interview I conducted with Henry Ellis, a pioneer of Aikido in the UK since the 1950s. With over sixty years  of experience in Aikido he shares his views on the above topic, warm-ups with Karate style kicks and punches, daily runs,full contact training, read about what he went through under the direction of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei and Ken Williams Sensei at the famous "Hut Dojo". You will have a different perception of Aikido after reading this book.
Author: Abdul Rashid. 
2022 Release - Amazon - £7-99p.
Cover photo Henry Ellis and son Rik.

Thursday 29 July 2021

VISIT ` Martial Arts Books `

The New Kenshiro Abbe Era Collection of Books on Amazon 

Henry Ellis - Derek Eastman are now sadly amongst the last of a very small  group of surviving direct pioneer students of the legendary Budo Master Kenshiro Abbe.[1915 -1985]

Anecdotes, stories, historic events are vividly brought to life from the incredible 1950s/60s. 

With the encouragement of Martial Arts researcher - author - Abdul Rashid - Ellis and Eastman  were inspired to put their personal `documented true factual history recorded in to book form to memorialize  all those involved in the early days, never to be lost or forgotten. 

The books credit many other Judoka and Aikidoka that were involved from the Abbe Era, honourable people who played a role in the early days when Aikido was a Martial Art, there were so many others that are remembered who  later helped to promote and protect the legacy of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei. 

Wednesday 10 March 2021

" If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything " - Mark Twain

The Book ` Positive Aikido ` available on Amazon.

Aikido Magazines
Scroll down for lists

Aikido - 1955 - 2016 - For those that studied with Sensei's  Kenshiro Abbe - Tadashi Abe -Masahilo Nakazono - TK Chiba Sensei in those early days will remember their Aikido being true Budo, something that very few will ever see or feel again - Read " Aikido Then and Now - 1955 - 2015.

Aikido - Then and Now - 1955 - 2016

Kenshiro Abbe Sensei - 1915 - 1985

Judo 8th dan - Aikido 6th dan - Karate 6th dan - Kendo 6th dan - Kyudo 6th dan - JuKendo 6th dan 
All Japan Judo Champion - beating the great  Masahiko Kimura who described Abbe Sensei as `` trying to catch the wind ``

Henry Ellis Shihan 
Diploma's signed by Osensei Morihei Ueshiba (2) - Kenshiro Abbe Sensei - Masahilo Nakazono Sensei - TK Chiba Sensei - Doshu M Uesehiba.

As a privileged student of the legendary Budo master Kenshiro Abbe Sensei  I am often asked the following question. 

 What is the difference between the Aikido of the 1950s and the Aikido of today ?"

1950s - There were only 5 Aikido dan grades in the whole of the UK - all graded by Kenshiro Abbe Sensei - when Mutsuo Nakazono arrived at the invitation of Abbe Sensei and Osensei, the five dan grades all had to be re-graded to meet the then standard of Hombu Dojo.

The grading was tough the first time, it was hell to have to do it all again

1950s - This was a time when there were only 5 dan grades in the whole of the UK  for Aikido. They were all highly respected, simply because everyone knew that even the lowest grades had been honestly earned through blood sweat and tears.

Unlike today, where many dan grades are often given almost as a Christmas present by students to their own teachers, the self grading is followed by ordering the unqualified grading certificates online from the inept  UK governing body for Aikido `` The British Aikido Board ``  - one can simply visit the ` BAB ` website where for a modest fee, one can order the dan grade certificate of their choice. followed by a now too common a dismal claim  for credibility " British Aikido Board Approved ".

Unfortunately for  those that know no difference, this claim would appear to add the appearance of some form of credibility and legitimacy,  yet, for those that know the truth, they know it is nothing but crusty soft centered unadulterated BS .

In those early days students never handed out titles to their own teachers, such as Sensei - Shihan - Grand master - Soke - Hanshi - Doctor - Professor, or any other grand title  one can think of..

Just imagine being back at school and the kids collectively informing the teacher that the class had jointly awarded him/her a PhD,  now that would be worth six strokes of the cane on both hands, and time out locked in a small cupboard for their pathetic stupidity in my war time school days in the 1940s.

Right: ` The Hut Dojo ` the birthplace of British Aikido 1955.

My teacher - The legendary and humble Budo master Kenshiro Abbe Sensei 8th dan - only ever used the title of `Sensei ` - yet, since his death in 1985,  I often see him referred to as Shihan - Professor  - and even Doctor - Abbe Sensei is also referred to as 10th dan - why ?  It is sad that people grade themselves, it is even sadder that they also take it upon themselves to grade Abbe Sensei.

1960 - Photo below: Kenshiro Abbe teaching - Henry Ellis centre.

I read of one Aikido teacher who claimed in a newspaper article posted on his own website - 

" Sensei Blogsworth  was so surprised and proud when his senior students promoted him to 7th dan - he is now one of the highest graded professional  Aikido teachers in the world ".

As I type this, I am thinking to myself  " by now his students will have probably graded him to 8th dan " -  It is enough to make an old man cry.

Kenshiro Abbe Sensei taught that uke should always attack on balance - todays it is more often a ukemi flying attack with uke being overly compliant and acrobatics and the attack is a combination of 30% attack and 70% ukemi  ( break falling ) which contributes to the mockery of Aikido, not unlike an image of Yogi Bear Aikido.

Abbe Sensei's teaching - If  one attacks on balance, then the techniques have to be good to control the attacker - the nod of the head, and no touch throws would then be comical and ridiculed, sadly, many students show as much resistance as an unattached piece of string.

It was also a time when there was no Aikido with ribbons, if anyone had been daft enough to come into the dojo with a bundle of coloured ribbons ?  they would have been found hanging by them from the Hut Dojo roof beams or directed to the nearest ` Morris Dancing ` club.
There was never ever Aikido to music in the dojo, I will admit there was often a hum from sweaty gi's and feet.

It was a time when Aikido was a respected martial art, respected by all the other m/a.

If Abbe Sensei thought his teaching wasn't getting through - no words were spoken - Sensei would `tap` the offending body part with the light crack of a Shiinai - this was a very successful method of teaching, it gained immediate attention, it would be a reminder, and an indicator to the student what their problem was, no one ever complained - The Ki people would be in tears today.

It was a time when students would train hard, and the techniques would be strong and effective, everyone attacks a little different, therefore you cannot plan what your defense would be, the attacker makes your defense ( or not ) It was a time when people trained hard to understand the techniques - if, as so many do today, trying to scientifically analyze Aikido with engineering and physics, Aikido is natural feeling and movement, not for some,  for example, if a student asked Kenshiro Abbe or Mutsuro Nakazono anything of a technical nature, they were told to practice with an ` empty mind ` only a clear mind will adsorb the  knowledge.

Left: The 4th dan certificate presented to Kenshiro Abbe Sensei by Emperor Hirohito of Japan in the 1930s.


This was a time when Kenshiro Abbe sensei was the only 8th dan in the UK .

We now live in a different age, a crazy age, where 7th and 8th dans and now 9th dans are like post-boxes, with at least one in almost every town and village in the UK,  thanks to the inept - " BAB   -  you can grade yourself, or ask your students to grade you - and simply add ``British Aikido Board Approved ``. It is as creditable or as worthless as ordering a doctorate online.

Aikido training In those early days with Kenshiro Abbe Sensei and a little encouragement of a Shinai, the training  was very physical, building fitness, fighting spirit, and physical and mental strength and a positive attitude towards your training and daily life, 

I was a dan grade in Aikido before many of of the so-called modern Aikidoka were born - yet, they state  " There is no kicking or punching in Aikido " - they should say ` there is no kicking and punching in their tree hugging Aikido `.

With Kenshiro Abbe Sensei, after the warm up session, there was always a 30 min session of kicking and punching techniques, this was followed with push-ups, depending on grade, with between 20 for beginners and two hundred for dan grades, the push-ups were on the back of the wrists with fingers pointing inwards followed by fingers pointing  outwards.

It was also a time when all Aikido came under the respected `British Aikido Council` [BAC] overseen by Kenshiro Abbe Sensei and Ken Williams Sensei the BAC national coach.

In later years we would see the creation of the so-called governing body for Aikido, the ` British Aikido Board` [BAB] 

This was a group that started with good heart and honest intentions, only to become  an overly bureaucratic body that would recognize its own grandmother as an ` approved ` Hanshi or dan grade,  an organisation that would later offer online dan grades for money. an organisation that would support the corruption of the true proud history and lineage of British Aikido from 1955, a support that failed miserably, which brought the British Aikido Board in to disrepute  slow decline.

The BAB would knowingly recognize well known fraudulent practitioners grades, publicly promote the offenders profile to its membership and the genral public. 

The BAB allow the endless use and abuse of `` BAB Approved `` for the promotion of self appointed titles of Shihan - Hanshi - Grandmaster - Professor - Doctor - Soke .

The British Aikido Board has now become a home for the homeless Aikidoka, the established organisations such as the JAC and the BAA, which are creditable organisations who are all associated with their Japan HQ - these organisations have resigned from the BAB.

Times change, people change, and Aikido will change - but sadly it is not always for the better.

Admin - Henry Ellis

Co-author of Positive Aikido`


Is Aikido a Martial Art ? - Blitz Australasia Magazine Nov 2006

The subject "Is Aikido a Martial Art?" an article which has received world wide appeal and interest.This was shown by the interest from `Blitz Martial Arts Magazine` which covers the vast Australasia region.`Aikido Today Magazine` also covered this article for the Americas.I have received some negative responses from the anonymous plastic samurai - on the other hand there has been a rewarding large response from genuine students who were not afraid to add their names.Today Aikido is ridiculed by members of the public and more so from other martial artists, this is deserved in most cases with some of the antics we see from `comedy aikidoists` with their pseudo religious teachings with music and ribbon dancing in the dojo.Ki students breathing through their toes - Ki people trying to knock apples off each others heads with the power of their Ki - you could not make this crap up - someone already did.

Henry Ellis


____________________________________________MMA PROSPECTS MAGAZINE________________________________________________

MMA PROSPECTS Interview with Rik Ellis - "Aikido within MMA"

Click here "Aikido within MMA" for the Rik Ellis article in "MMA Prospects"Aikido within MMA

Rik Ellis a dan grade in Aikido and a professional MMA / Cage fighter interviewed by the online magazine " MMA Prospects " - Rik discusses his Aikido background and his serious involvement in MMA.

Rik Ellis is also the author of the controversial article "Aikido in MMA".

Rik is the son of Henry Ellis 6th dan International BiranKai - AikiKai Hombu.

Rik Ellis




BRITISH AIKIDO BOARD EXPOSED...Click the link below to read "British Aikido Board Exposed".

The discredited British Aikido Board in recent years has been guilty of crass and appalling conduct. The true extent of which was not realised until an ex BAB Executive contacted Henry Ellis to advise him that the senior BAB Executives had been guilty of defamation of the good name of Henry Ellis and character by spewing lies and false rumours that Ellis had been charged with GBH ( grievous bodily harm ) this offence is second only to murder..The irony of this slander is that Henry Ellis did not even have a parking ticket against his name.

The ex BAB Executive has fully exposed the BAB for what they truly are in the link below,stating that he would willingly stand up in any court to back his statements.




Tuesday 29 September 2015

Early 1960s Aikido Newspaper Cuttings

Early 1960s Newspaper Cutting - Henry Ellis & Derek Eastman.

Henry Ellis and Derek Eastman made what was in the early 1960s a major breakthrough for Aikido - it was accepted by the `UK Further Education System`.This class was the first such class.Many of the ladies in the class were school teachers, they thought that Ellis Sensei was hard and cruel for throwing Derek Eastman around the mat. After class there was a tea room where I would be standing on my own. Derek would have all the ladies fussing around him,he was getting more fancy cakes than any man could eat.I was never even offered a broken biscuit. This went on for several weeks until I learned that Derek was telling these ladies that I was not only cruel to him at their class, but also back at the Hut Dojo and everywhere else.He was loving all the fussing care and attention.

Henry Ellis


1963 - Opening of the first `Bracknell Aikido Dojo` - Bracknell News.

Henry Ellis a pioneer of UK Aikido was the first dan grade to open his own dojo outside of the famous `Hut Dojo`. In 1963 Ellis opened the first Bracknell Aikido Dojo almost 50 years later there is still a `Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido` in Bracknell.
The photo in the newspaper is Ken Williams Sensei the first UK student of Aikido with Kenshiro Abbe Sensei. Williams Sensei was the national coach for UK Aikido - Henry Ellis was Sensei Williams personal assistant.

Henry Ellis


1963 - Opening of the first `Bracknell Aikido Dojo` - Bracknell Standard.

Ken Williams Sensei throwing Henry Ellis and BIG Ron James who is the one sprawled on the mat.We were very fortunate to get a lot of publicity for the new dojo which became an instant success and continues to be so today some 50 years later.

Henry Ellis


1963 Opening of the Bracknell Dojo - Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido.

Ken Williams Sensei throwing Big Ron James in a public demonstration at the new Bracknell dojo.

Henry Ellis


TK Chiba Sensei 1968 Summer School Bracknell - Geoff Goodwin a favourite student of Chiba Sensei.

Geoff Goodwin 2nd dan was a favourite uke of Chiba Sensei - Geoff was one of the toughest guys you will ever meet - a natural and devastating street fighter. Chiba Sensei described him as one of the most dangerous men he had ever met.
Geoff was my personal assistant for several years.

Henry Ellis


Rik Ellis and his Planned Visit to the USA

Rik Ellis and his father Henry Ellis had been invited to visit New Mexico USA in 2011 - This visited had to be re-scheduled for later in 2012.

Henry Ellis


Early Aikido in Glasgow Scotland - 1960?

Early Aikido in Glasgow Scotland - 1960?

Henry Ellis with lady student Ms Fay Laurie. I believe this photo was of a seminar at Tom Weir Sensei's dojo in Glasgow Scotland. Weir Sensei was the first Aikido dan grade in Scotland and became the official Aikido representative to Ken Williams Sensei and the British Aikido Council - BAC - under the direction of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei.

Henry Ellis


Monday 28 September 2015

                         FOR SALE                               

                                " Aikido Today Magazines "

                             To be sold shortly on EBAY UK

           Aikido Today Magazines 36 magazines from 1993 to 2000

Sadly due to the impact of internet, the excellent magazine "Aikido Today" is no more. This was a great informative magazine for all international Aikidoka, complete with great interviews and stories. is the residual business of Aikido Today Magazine, Aikido’s premier magazine for 19 years. Aikido Today Magazine was an international non-partisan magazine dedicated to opening the Aikido world. It began in 1987 and finished its run with the 100th issue covering July/ Aug 2005.

To be sold as one item - offers - Henry Ellis

Buyer to pay postage - or collect.

ATM # 31; Vol. 7 No 5; Dec 93 / Jan 94 ` Aikido and Morality ` - Interview `Henry Kono Sensei` and others. ( as new )

ATM # 32; Vol. 7 No 6 ; Feb / March 94 ` Being Thrown` - Interview ` Fred Donaldson ` and others. ( slight wear )

ATM # 33; Vol. 8, No 1; April / May 1994 ` Aikido & the Martial Arts ` Interviews `Koichi Tohei ` - Hiroshi Ikeda` and others. ( as new )

ATM # 34; Vol. 8, No 2; June / July 1994 ` Aikido & the Gentle Ways` - Interviews ` Mitsugi Saotome` and Yoshio Kuroiwa ` - and others ( excellent condition )

ATM # 35; Vol. 8, No 3; August / September 1994 - ` Aikido and Health` - Interview ` Mary Bond ` and others ( good condition )

ATM # 36; Vol. No 4; October / November 1994 `Aikido Around the World` - Interviews ` Takeshi Kimeda ` and `Henry Ellis` and others ( good condition )

ATM # 37; 8, No 5; Dec 94 / Jan 1995 - ` Coming to be and Passing Away ` - Interviews ` Moriteru Ueshiba and Yoshimitsu Yamada and others. ( good condition )

ATM # 38; Vol. 8, No 6; Feb / March 1995 - ` Aikido and Management ` - Interviews ` Mitsugi Saotome ` and others ( good condition )

ATM # 39; Vol. 9, No. 1; April / May 1995 - ` Aikido and Self- Defence ` - Interview ` Nedko Panayotov ` and others. ( condition good )

ATM # 40; Vol. 9, No. 2; June / July 1995 – Aikido and Self
– Defence ` - Interviews ` Iwao Yamaguchi ` - ` Patty Saotome` and others ( good condition )

ATM # 42; Vol. 9, No, 4; October / November 1995 - ` Community Responsibility ` - Interviews ` John Stevens ` and others ( good condition ).

ATM # 44; Vol. 9, No, 6; February / March 1996. – Interviews ` Dennis Hooker ` and others ( good condition )

ATM # 45; Vol. 10, No. 1; April / May 1996. – “ Surroundings “ – Interviews ` Peter Goldsbury ` and others ( good condition)

ATM # 46; Vol. 10, No, 2; June / July 1996. - “ Conflict Resolution “ – Interviews ` Mitsugi Saotome ` and others ( condition good )

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ATM # 49; Vol. 10, No, 5; December 1996 / Jauary 1997. – “ Remembering Japan “ – Interviews ` Kaz Tanahashi` and others ( good condition )

ATM # 47; Vol. 10. No. 3; August / September 1996. – Interviews `Morihiro Saito` and others ( good condition )

ATM # 48; Vol. 10. No. 4; October / November 1996. – “ Health “ – Interviews ` Peter Benarth ` and others ( good condition )

ATM # 50; Vol. 10. No. 6; February / March 1997. – “ The Shihan Problem “ – Interviews - `Kaz Tanahashi ` and others – ( good condition ).

ATM # 52; Vol.11, No. 1; July / August 1997. – “ Osensei Rites of Spring “ (good condition )

ATM # 53; Vol. 11, No. 2; September / October 1997. Interviews - ` Bill Sosa ` and others ( good condition )

ATM # 54; Vol. 11. No 4; November / December 1997. – Interviews “ Ralph Glanstein “ and others – ( good condition )

ATM # 55; Vol. 12, No. 1 ; January / February 1998. “ Interviews by Ronald Rubin and others. ( good condition )

ATM # 56; Vol. 12, No. 2; March / April 1998. – Interview ` Yoshimitsu Yamada ` and others ( good condition )

ATM # 57; Vol, 12, No, 3; May / June 1998. – Interviews ` M Saotome ` - ` Andre Nocquet`. 9 good condition )

ATM # 58; Vol. 12, No 4; July / August 1998. – Interviews – `Nobyuoshi Tamura` - ` Ayako Yamamoto` and others ( good condition )

ATM # 59; Vol. 12, No 5; September / October 1998 – Interviews ` Brendan Dowling ` - Kazuuaki Tanahashi` and others – ( good condition )

ATM # 60; Vol, 12, No 6; November / December 1998 – Interviews `Mutsuko Minigishi` - `Peter Goldsbury` and others ( good condition )

ATM # 61; Vol. 13, No 1; January / February 1999 – Interviews `Jim Frisen` - `Kazuaki Tanahashi` and others ( good condition )

ATM # 62; Vol. 13, No, 2; March / April 1999 – “ In Memoriam: Doshu Kisshomaru Ueshiba” ( good condition )

ATM # 63; Vol. 13, No, 3; May / June 1999 – “ Aikido and the Sword “ – “In Memory of Andre Noquet” – and others – ( good condition )

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ATM # 64; Vol. 13; No, 4; July / August 1999 – Interviews “ Y Kuroiwa “ – “ M Inoue” and others – ( good condition )

ATM # 66; Vol. 13; No, 6; November / December 1999 – Interviews – “ George Leonard “ and others. ( good condition )

ATM # 68; Vol. 14, No. 2; March / April 2000. – Interview “ Kenji Ota “ and others, (good condition )

ATM # 69; Vol. 14, No. 3; May / June 2000. – Interview “ Shingo Nakao” and others, ( good condition )

ATM # 70; Vol. 14, No. 4; July / August 2000. – Interviews “ Motomichi Anno” and others, ( good condition)

ATM # 71; Vol. 14, No. 5; September / October 2000. – Interviews “ William ` slim` Coyle “ and others ( good condition )

ATM # 72; Vol; 14, No. 6; November / December 2000. – Interviews “ Hiroaki Kobayashi “ – Gerard Blaize “ and others – ( good condition ).